Hello my minions.
I found this online a few days ago, thought you peeps might find it amusing. Basically, Washington D.C, which for you folks who don't know your history, was built by Freemasons, has incorporated into it's design several pentagrams. Should you be wondering i will now go into some detail about what exactly a pentagram is.
Christian View: Represesnts the five wounds of Christ.
Alchemical View: Represents the five elements, air, earth, fire, water and spirit.
Occultist View: A powerful symbol of protection, commonly used in witchcraft.
Satanic View: When flipped upside down so the single point is facing down, it represents Satan. When facing the right way up, it represents God.
Masonic View: For early stonemasons, the pentagram helped in creating a perfect arch. If you draw a perfect pentagram then you trace around it and you get a perfect arch.
So anyway, here is the map of Washington:

And there you have it. A pentagram with its tip ending right on the White House. I guess you could call it a Masonic In-Joke. And then just to add more insult to injury, there are about ten other pentagrams created around Washington.
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