this is a short essay on religion. It was fun to write. i hope you enjoy.
Don't get me wrong, and start to think that i'm a christian basher, becasue i'm not, but I haven't got the time to listen to the religious right bum on about hell, abortion and gay marriage. It annoys me a great deal. The anger that is prevalent in "the religion of peace" scares me. The fact that no-one wants to acknowledge this anger scares me more. People are too busy damning Islam and the terrorists who are destroying it to stop and take a look behind them at the looming threat of Fundamentalist Christianity. People, probably you, my dear reader, look at countries like Lebanon and say, "look at those damn Muslims, wrecking the place." Even though Lebanon has a pretty much 50/50 split between Islam and Christianity. So, if Christianity really is the religion of peace, why is it destroying a country from the inside out, or at least, destroying half a country. And terrorism isn't just an Islamic problem, as the media would have us believe. What about the conflict in Northen Ireland? Protestants and Catholics. What about the Ergun? The Jewish terrorists of the forties. Look at any terrorists organisation and you will see a number of religions. it's just, because Al Qaeda hit us the hardest, we feel it our moral obligation to destroy Islam. Islam is not the problem. Islam is a religion that stresses peaceful resolution. Al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation. It believes that it is doing Allah's work. No one else does, maybe some hardline Muslims. only yesterday, I heard some stupid --- down the street say "Look, they captured another Muslim terrorist. We should just round 'em all up and send them home." I pointed out that Al Qaeda had been planning its attack on the west for nearly as long as i've been alive. They sent sleeper cells all around the world long before the planes hit. There are still an estimated 70-100 Al Qaeda operatives in America (thankyou CIA), most of which are believed to have been sent here in the early nineties.
So back to my original rant, the Christian Right in my opinion is the problem. The fundamentalists who planted the nail bomb outside an abortion clinic, killing two pregnant ladies and their unborn babies (fetusus, if you wanna get technical.)
Their logic: Those women were pro-abortion therefore anti-god. That means (and i quote the testament here) "die".
my logic: by killing two unborn babies and two mothers, you just committed quadruple homicide, putting you in gods bad-books. (Thou shalt not murder, wow, i really know my Bible). And so it is, the Fundies get all the power of Washington, all the guns of the US Army, all the support of most of the people, and none of the blame for the current state of affairs. They palm that off to people like me who disagree with them.
So just before i go, i want to share one last example with you. One last injustice which got me to write this lengthy article.
The scene: Michigan.
The date: October 31st, 2003
The characters: "Mary" the schoolgirl, and "Richard" the principle. As well as twelve jurors, one state courtroom and a judge named "Frank"
Mary, a Wiccan, decided to celebrate Samhain (more commonly referred to as halloween, and one of the most important holy days on the Wiccan calendar). To celebrate, she wore a pentagram around her neck. Richard, the principle, and a "good christian" took offence to this. He suspended her for five days for "wearing inappropriate attire" when Mary explained it was religous Richard... didn't care. Upset, Mary and her parents sought legal advice. They were informed there was nothing to be done. So, mary accepted her suspension and then went back to school. Then she noticed that alot of students were wearing crosses around there necks. So she wore her pentagram again, and again got taken to richards office. Richard again suspended her, this time for ten days. Mary pointed out the fact that students were wearing crosses. Richard pointed out that it was a religious symbol and therefore he couldn't do anything. mary also pointed out hers was a religous symbol. He said it wasn't. The state of Michigan said otherwise, so suddenly mary had a case.
So began the Mary vs Richards school case. After three days in court the twelve jurors came back informing the world (or at least the courtroom) that a pentagram was a religous symbol. Richard was forced to back down, mary was given the right to wear her pentagram. "Frank" however, scolded her.
"It is sad that religioins such as this still operate in Christian America." he said.
Well, that was a marathon to write, and i doubt anybody is going to read it, but at least its off my chest.
PS: I don't dislike all christians. I am friends with alot of christians and muslims and jews. i just don't like the right, the fundamentalists, the terrorists and washington.
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Yes you are a Christian basher, or as is common in liberal lingo, an anti-Christian bigot.
ReplyDeleteMost, if not all problems on the planet earth are from people like you, people who reject Jesus Christ. Our prisons are filled with people, like you, who reject Jesus Christ. Most, if not all; rapes, murders, robberies and thefts are committed by people, like you, who reject Jesus Christ. AIDS is mainly spread by people who reject Jesus Christ and have sex outside of marriage. Children AIDS get it from people who reject Jesus Christ.
I hope you will turn from your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and escape the fires of eternal hell. Turning from your sins and giving your life to Jesus Christ is the only way you can escape the fires of hell and receive everlasting life. If you persist in your sins and continue to turn your back on Jesus Christ, you will be lost forever.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.
Okay, thats fair. Mabey I am a Christian basher but can you really blame me for it when a simple essay on intolerance by Christians is responded to by aggresive intolerance by a Christian. There are hundreds of books out there who millions believe to be the 'word of god' so what other than personal faith makes you so sure that you have the right book?
ReplyDeleteI agree with sir blogalot in this case. I like that sir blogalot is at fault for all the wrong doings in life and that only people like him are the cause for all things bad like aids, but I haven't seen sir blogalot in the news for any of this like pedophiles... I meen protestants. People like you reveren are the reason why I dont go to church and you are the reason I drink and smoke because you keep filling my head with things I should be doing and things that I have done wrong will come back and haunt me. Well I believe that Jesus died to allow us to live our life freely and happily. Well I am happy with the way i live my life does that mean I am person who rapes, murders and gives people aids. Oh and sex before marriage is a beautiful thing and so is being gay. So cram you way of life back where it belongs and preach it to people who care,cause we don't
ReplyDeleteReverend, I would just like you to know that I sincerely hope you change your ways. You think that I and people like me are the cause for rapes and murder and for clogging up our prison systems. Well sorry dude but we ain't. The hard fact is that yes, people with a religion commit less crime. I have a religion. I don't commit crime. Jews don't committ as many crimes, Muslims don't commit that many crimes as Atheists, but the fact is: People with religion, commit brutal crimes. The sex assaults are violent and often involve torture, the murders are brutal and savage and they generally believe, like you that you are doing Gods will. Well sorry but you aren't. Isn't the whole Jesus thing about forgiveness and turning the other cheek? Isn't the whole Satan thing all about destruction and chaos. Aren't you, by spreading all this hate inadvertantly doing Satans work? You are committing Hate Crimes. You think you do the right thing but you don't. I hope the Goddess fills you with the compassion and sympathy for ALL other beings that you need progress through this life.
ReplyDeleteBlessed Be.
Is it not the purpose of religion to show people to see the light(no not the pearly Gates lights but the right and proper way of living)I beg to differ.Do you believe that unless the bilbe is accepted as the word of god ,there can be no universal standard of morality. I have no problem with religion but I think I should be able to make up my own mind about what I believe in. I would also like to say that religion only exists until people stop believing in it. Hence why the cult of isis is no longer relevent. I thank anyone who tries to steer me to a path of salvation but i think that the journey would be much sweeter if i could undertake it on my terms and not those dictated to me.
ReplyDeleteActually the cult if Isis continues to the modern day under the Archpriesthood Union of the Coveneant of the Goddess. It is made up of eight 'guardians' who keep the sacred texts and rites and who perform them at ceremonies. There are also several more (above thirty) cults of isis which are branched from this. Isis is one of the most worshipped Pagan Goddesses in modern times, under Diana, Artemis and Cerridwen.
ReplyDeleteWow. An actual discussion on my blog. Finally somebody somewhere cares enough about my opinion to try and convert me. Yay. As for Daoine Sidhe: how the hell do you know that?