
Halloween--A ploy to sell more candy or a legitimate holiday?

I was talking to somebody the other day (no names...Randy) who was of the opinion that Halloween was a shameless ploy by corporate America to sell lots of candy. This person (Randy) just wouldn't believe that Halloween is a legitimate holiday. Needless to say I crushed this person (Randy) with a solidly constructed arguement, my wit and sarcasm and my stunning good looks. Instead of providing you (Anonymous Internet Person) with the Solidly Constructed Arguement I was lazy and gave you this instead:
Halloween is a religous holiday in many different religions. In Christianity it is celebrated as All Saints Day, also celebrated by Bogans all round Australia as every Tuesday night.
*insert pause whilst you work out why that joke is funny, chuckle a bit, read on...*
In ancient and moderc Celtic traditions it is Samhain, the night the souls of the dead walk the earth.
In Mexico (Meh-Hi-Ko) it is celebrated as the Day of the Dead (the festival not the B-Grade horror movie... WOW! I am on fire tonight!)
And thats about it... Please note, nowhere in there did I write "Candy Companies" . So to that person (Randy) who didn't believe me when I said Halloween is a legitimate religous holiday: "Gringo"

And to you Anonymous Internet person: "Goodbye"

Yeah I just read what I wrote. Wow. Sorry's all I can really say. I'm committed to not editing my work except for spelling and grammer (and even then...) so well, sorry for writing such an incomprehensible piece of pointless diatribe.